These standards, when introduced in national legislation, contribute to the safety of our foods and to international food trade. 当这些标准纳入国家立法时,会对我们的食品安全及国际食品贸易带来帮助。
Illegality clause: Clause in a loan agreement which allows the lender to ask for repayment of his funds if a change in national legislation obliges him to withdraw from the loan. 不合法(或违约)条款:贷款协定中的一项条款,允许贷款人在国家法规变化迫使其撤销贷款时,要求偿还他的资金。
Exceptions and limitations to copyright and related rights help to maintain this balance, and are recognized in international conventions and codified in national legislation. 对版权和相关权规定的例外和限制,有助于维持这一平衡,而且在国际公约中得到承认并被编入国家立法之中。
Has your Government enacted national legislation in support of state-of-the-environment ( SOE) reporting? 贵国政府是否颁布了国家性立法支持环境状况报告?
Expenditures ( or revenue foregone) in relation to the accumulation and holding of stocks of products which form an integral part of a food security programme identified in national legislation. 涉及积累和保持构成国内立法所确认的粮食安全计划组成部分的产品库存的支出(或放弃的税收)。
Most Parties have now passed or are renewing and strengthening national legislation and policies to meet their obligations under the treaty. 多数缔约方现在已通过或正在修订和加强国家立法和政策以便履行其在本条约之下的义务。
Where national legislation precisely follows the requirements stated in this Convention, a reference may be all that is necessary. 如果国家立法严格遵循了本公约中规定的要求,只需做出必要的参阅即可。
Consumers have legal rights under applicable national legislation governing the sale of consumer goods. 消费者享有针对消费品销售的适用国家法规所规定的合法权利。
Criminal reconciliation should be turned into national legislation and standardized by the for. 刑事和解制度最终应转化为国内立法,以法律明文规定的形式加以规范。
Model National Legislation for the guidance of Governments in the Enactment of Further Legislation against Racial Discrimination 各国政府制定新的反对种族歧视法律时可资参考的示范国家立法
These standards, when introduced into national legislation, contribute to ensure safety of foods. 这些标准一旦纳入国家法规,将有助于确保食品安全。
National legislation should provide necessary punishment basis for war crime in internal armed conflict. 针对国内武装冲突中的战争犯罪行为,国家立法机关应当提供必要的惩处依据。
These seminars will explore the issues at stake and the various solutions found in existing national legislation and contractual practices. 利用这些研讨会,对一些利害攸关的问题以及现有国内立法与合同做法中的各种解决办法进行探讨。
Global Compilation of National Legislation against Racial Discrimination 各国反对种族歧视立法全球汇编
Considerations on the Lack of National Legislation on Youth Voluntary Service 关于青年志愿服务国家性立法缺位的思考
Suppliers shall therefore be well informed about and comply with requirements in accordance with national legislation, regulations and industry standards. 所以,供应商必须非常了解并遵守国家法令、法规、和产业标准的要求。
The national legislation of every country only constrains the trading parties in their own country, and thus often leads to conflict of laws. 各国的国内立法仅在自己的国家约束贸易当事人,因而经常导致法律冲突。
The Owner of the property must obey the pertinent national legislation and governmental provisions about the real estate adm. 房屋所有权人必须遵守国家法律和政府有关房产管理的各项规定。
Birth insurance is to pass national legislation to set, when laborer brings about labour force because of bearing children to be interrupted temporarily, the system of insurance of a society that offers material in time the help by country and society. 生育保险是通过国家立法规定,在劳动者因生育子女而导致劳动力暂时中断时,由国家和社会及时给予物质帮助的一项社会保险制度。
Imperfect System of national legislation and condition of fall-behind study are unfavourable to the development of national legality building. 民族立法理论研究体系的不健全及其相关研究滞后的状况,不利于我国民族法制建设。
System of privilege of witness is nearly a gap in national legislation. 证人特权制度在我国立法上几乎是一片空白。
It went through three stages from national legislation, to regionalization and globalization. 它经历了国内立法、区域化再至全球化三个阶段。
It has also entered into national legislation and policy formulation in relation to health care in many European countries. 同时,在欧洲的许多国家中,尊严的概念也被引入到有关卫生保健的国家立法和政策制定中。
The national legislation experienced three stages, in which the subject of local legislative authority has been increasing gradually. 建国后我国的立法进程可以划分为三个阶段,对地方立法权限在这三个阶段进行纵向比较后,发现地方立法权的享有主体逐渐增多;
Nowadays, international agreement and national legislation ( and law-enforcement) are the main measures to supervise wildlife trade. 目前,在国际范围和国家双边等层面上,野生动植物国际贸易管理主要采取国际公约和加强国家立法(执法)等措施。
And on the basis of national legislation status, it puts forward some legislative proposals. 并在研究国内立法现状的基础上,就我国空间活动立法提出立法建议。
National legislation and judicial to equal right to employment security in western society civil-rights movement and various anti-discrimination campaign got vigorous development. 各国国内立法和司法对平等就业权的保障在西方社会民权运动和各项反歧视运动中得到了轰轰烈烈的发展。
Subsequently, the privacy concerns by people gradually, and recognized and protected by national legislation. 随后,隐私权逐渐受到人们的关注,并为各国立法所确认和保护。
And National legislation around the emergency, mandatory healthcare, medical protection restrictions in the three cases discussed. 围绕紧急情况、强制性医疗、保护性医疗等三种情况下的限制性规定及各国立法例进行探讨。